Billing Services

Don't Settle for Less Than You Deserve

Experience Premier Podiatric Billing Services

Beacon Podiatric Billing Services, LLC offers more than just billing services; we provide a promise—a promise of a concierge-level, personalized service crafted specifically for the needs of podiatric practitioners. With a laser focus on the podiatry field, our certified billing experts employ a process steeped in transparency and precision, ensuring every claim reflects the dedicated care you provide.

From the moment your patient checks in, to the satisfaction of a balanced account, our proven process is designed to maximize your revenue and uphold the financial health of your practice with unparalleled efficiency and accuracy.


Seamless Transition from Care to Collections

As the final touches are applied to your chart notes and coding, the baton is smoothly passed to Beacon’s expert team. With precision and care, we embark on a meticulous billing journey, ensuring each claim reflects the dedicated service you provide. Our billing cycle is a testament to accuracy and optimization, crafted to enhance the revenue of your podiatric practice. It’s a partnership where your clinical precision is met with our financial diligence, laying the groundwork for a solid financial future for your services.


Claim Scrubbing

Our detail-oriented approach starts here, where every claim undergoes a thorough review against an extensive checklist to identify and rectify any coding or data entry errors. This step is crucial in preventing claim rejections and denials.


Claim Submission

Leveraging advanced billing software, we submit claims electronically to insurers, ensuring they are processed quickly. Our team stays abreast of the latest coding updates and insurer-specific guidelines, which are critical for accurate submissions.


Payment Processing

Once insurers respond, we promptly post payments to patient accounts. Our reconciliation process ensures that the payment received matches the claim submitted, and any discrepancies are swiftly investigated.


Resubmit Denials & Rejections

Denials and rejections are not the end but a call to action for our team. We meticulously review the reason behind every denial, make necessary corrections, and resubmit claims to ensure that your services are compensated.


Submit Appeals

In cases where denials are not resolved by simple resubmission, our team crafts well-reasoned appeals backed by appropriate documentation, medical records, and a solid understanding of insurance policies.


Patient Statements

Transparency with patients is key. We send out statements that are clear and concise, detailing their responsibility after insurance processing. Our statements are designed to be patient-friendly, reducing confusion and facilitating timely payments.


A/R Follow-Up

Our aggressive yet respectful approach to accounts receivable management involves regular follow-ups on unpaid claims, negotiating with insurers, and keeping the lines of communication open with patients who have outstanding balances.

The Outcome

More Money in Your Pocket!

The culmination of our process-focused approach results in maximized revenue for your practice. With Beacon’s comprehensive billing management, you can expect a tangible increase in profitability, allowing you to focus on patient care without financial distraction.

Expertise Tailored to Your Needs

Beacon Podiatric Billing Services stands out as a beacon of innovation in podiatric billing, distinguished not merely by the breadth of our services but by our personalized approach that caters to the unique requirements of your practice. We steer clear of the one-size-fits-all methodology, instead offering personalized service that ensures your billing processes— from meticulous claim submission to diligent payment processing—are optimized for precision, efficiency, and compliance.

Our dedicated team, steadfast in their commitment to your practice’s success, works tirelessly to not only meet but surpass your financial aspirations. This pursuit of excellence is at the core of everything we do, reflecting in the robust financial health and prosperity of your practice.

Specialized Focus

Our team’s exclusive dedication to podiatry billing brings a depth of knowledge that ensures every claim is managed with an expert touch, tailored to the unique needs of your practice

Comprehensive Solutions

We navigate the entire billing journey—from meticulous claim submission to strategic denial management—streamlining your operations to enhance revenue and reduce costs

Real-Time Access

By working directly within your existing software, we offer real-time transparency that provides immediate insights into your financials, ensuring seamless oversight without the delays of data transfers

Our Unique Edge: We Integrate With Your Software!

Beacon's billing services stand out by seamlessly integrating with your practice’s existing software. This direct approach eliminates data transfer delays, offering you real-time visibility into claim statuses and patient accounts. Once your patient care is complete, our experts step in to ensure every claim is scrupulously 'scrubbed' for accuracy, submitted daily, and payments are promptly processed, all within a 48-hour window.

From the moment a claim is completed by your office, Beacon takes the reigns. Our process includes:


Ready to Enhance Your Billing Efficiency?

Join the myriad of podiatry practices experiencing streamlined billing and increased revenue with Beacon. Our experts are at the forefront, ready to transform your billing operations with proven strategies and personalized service.